Natural Resource Governance Institute (Cobranded with UNHCR)

The term “resource curse” refers to the paradox that some countries with an abundance of natural resources, like oil, gas and mining, often have less economic growth, democracy, and greater inequality than countries with fewer natural resources. Revenue sharing on these resources has been promoted as a cure for this problem, but while these systems can sometimes promote economic development and prevent conflict, they can also have a negative effect on these conditions. This NRGI report examines resource revenue sharing systems around the world, and offers advice to policy makers establishing or reforming their systems. Drawing on research from 30 countries, the authors highlighted eight countries for deeper study.

Natural Resource Revenue Sharing, Executive Summary and Report PROJECT ROLEs: creative director, designer, project manager, and print coordinator NRGI and the UNDP both have well designed brands, but the client requested a clean-sheet design that was modern and corporate, attracting readers outside of their typical audience. A specific request was made to organize and present country-specific data in a visually dynamic way, as well as recommend places where other data could be surfaced and highlighted for maximum impact. Those resulting infographics would also be designed for extraction and use in PowerPoint decks, social media, and blog posts. In the absence of brand direction, and with an accelerated time frame, a 4-page Executive Summary was designed and laid out first, establishing key elements of the visual language. Then the full 116 page report was designed using as much of that initial direction as possible, expanding on it where necessary. Key messages were pulled from the text and used as design elements to punch up the layout. A review of hundreds of images provided by the authors identified a visual direction, and further photos were sourced from commercial and Creative Commons-licensed libraries.